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Problem focused

Our products are one of a kind. We focus on daily designer problems before incorporating them into our products.

Evidence based

Redefy prioritizes quality above all. We build our products based on research, not gut feeling.

Result oriented

Every decision we make, every step we take, is driven by our commitment to delivering real, measurable outcomes.

Build by designer for designer

Junior designer

Master the basic, discover tips and tricks, and follow best practice in design to kickstart your journey.

Product designer

Explore our unique design resources to enhance your workflow.


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Really underated.
Amazing kit. Loved it

Lux Lu

Definitely GEM 💠💠

Igor Klim

Useful kit

Baris Iskender

Well prepared! Thanks people.

Mateus Vaz

Thanks for the quality work and clean components! Cheers!

Natalya Koltovskaya

Very good! Thanks.

Redefy products

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